Sunday, October 28, 2012

9 Days Left

There are only 9 days left until the election. Both campaigns are going full speed. There are a lot more ads and a lot more talk. We have had many campaigns of promises, especially in 2008. This election is about results. Its not about what you can promise the people. Its about showing Americans that you can get the job done. President Obama has had four years. If you believe in those 4 years that he provided the results you expected and that we have a better America, vote for him. If you feel that true leadership and a broader vision is needed for "big change" than Gov. Romney is that guy. He has showed his experience over a span of at least 2 decades. He shown that he can lead. He has lead companies to success. He has led the Olympics to success. He has lead the state of Massuchusetts to success. This is not a hope of leadership. Gov. Romney has been the leader America needs. When he decided to run for office he said that it was because America deserves better. America deserves the success that our country has been built on. Socrates said that a man should only become a public servant through compulsion. A compulsion that is derived from the fact that there is a need and he has been blessed with the talent and skills to satisfy that need. If that man were to decline the role of public servant than a lesser man would assume the position. So he should be compelled to lead. That is what Gov. Romney and Rep. Ryan are doing. Stepping up to a huge task. But they have the experience, vision and skills to succeed. America does have what it takes. We need someone to lead us back to that success that we know so well, but has been distant as of recent.

Young America is our FUTURE!

Wednesday, October 24, 2012

American Dream

In the times that we are currently living in, the American Dream seems more like a fantasy. There are thousands of statistics that can be used to support this point. It is more obvious than ever. So with that said, what do we do now? Do we forget about the American Dream and focus on the American Reality? I say no. The American Dream more than ever before is on the hearts of every American. Why? Because we have tasted it. We have tasted the ripe fruit of progress and success. We now yearn for it more than ever.

It would be foolish to say that one or two men will bring that dream back to 315 million Americans. It is true to say that these two men, Gov. Romney and Rep. Ryan, have a plan of leadership that will provide a path to progress and success. Gov. Romney's 5-point plan does work. And it will work. Discard all bias and really consider whats at stake and what the two options are. President Barack Obama with the most sincere intentions have given it a shot. He has come up short of the mark. Not because he didnt try, but because he didn't possess the vision and leadership needed. Gov. Romney does. He has proven this time and again; as CEO, Governor and head of the Olympics. There have been many negative attacks on both sides. That is, sad to say, a part of the process. But lets get beyond the gossip and negativity. Lets look at what our future holds.

America is the greatest country on earth. That is why America is the beacon of the world. Our influence stretches to every land whether directly or indirectly. People leave their homeland and travel to the U.S. for opportunity and upward mobility. This is where the world wants to be. Even in times of uncertainty. Becoming a stronger America just doesnt affect Americans, it stretches across the world. Lets be repsonsible to ourselves, our friends and family and those who are affected by our decisions worldwide. Make that choice for progress and success. Vote Romney/Ryan, not because your Republican or anti-Obama. Vote Romney/Ryan because you want a better future and these two men have a plan to get us there. It will take more than these two men, it will take everyone. Let this be the first step.

Young America is our FUTURE!

Tuesday, October 23, 2012

Last Debate

That was an interesting debate. President Obama had attacked Gov. Romney in many ways. But where or at what time did the president lay out his ideas on how to proceed? He spoke as if he was a candidate running for his first term. Maybe that was my impression. I believe Gov. Romney played his strategy well. Discuss the issues at length and call the president out when needed. He didnt look for every opportunity to strike, as did the president. He held his jabs and used them wisely.

President Obama decided after the final debate and 14 days before the election to release his plan for the economy. I find that to be repulsing. How is it that the leader of the free world waits until there is almost no time to analyze and critique his plan for the U.S. economy and decisions that will affect the world? That is absurd. No one is talking about it. I find that quite puzzling also. We have to hold our leaders accountable. And we arent doing a very good job of that. Where and when did the cries go out for Mr. Obama to display his plan for the country's future? I heard none from beyond the Republican party. Democrats have avoided the fact that their leader is leading them blind. I just dont get it.

Gov. Romney stepped into this race to be a leader. To be the leader that America needs. For the future and for the right now. He has put forth a reliable and viable plan that is outcome-based. Give him that chance and you will see results. The last four years have showed what the president and his colleagues are able to accomplish. Let Romney/Ryan really show that they are America's leaders.

Vote Romney/Ryan on November 6

Young America is our FUTURE!

Monday, October 22, 2012

Understanding Roles

In any system there is a format or an equation that is required for the desired outcome. When the forefathers created the structure of American society they also had a format or an equation for success. This came in the form of the Declaration of Independence, then the Bill of Rights. These documents, along with several others, created the foundation for a great country. The equation can be looked at as:

Components: Federal + State + Citizens= strong governemnt

Principles: FSC(Faith + Character + Example)=morally strong nation

The Federal government was created to protect our citizens and sovereignty and to facilitate interaction between states. That is the true nature of the federal government based on the forefathers. States were to be where the power was held. Each state is seen as a living organism within a larger one. Each organism has its own structure within and is unique to itself in certain areas: population, location, landscape, business, etc.. The state government purpose is to create laws and policies that are particular to its statesman. That is their nature. And the largest factor in the equation is the citizens. Those that elect, create, believe, sustain and feed the state and the nation as a whole. Citizens were seen as influential in every part of government as well as business. This was not a closed door motto. This was the way people interacted; over a discussion of politics and religion, or of art and agriculture. To fulfill your civil duty was not to be taken lightly. Nor was being informed something considered taboo. The premise of having success in this nation was that the citizenry would be the focal point of everything, in word and action. That is why democracy is supposed to be the form of government where the people are the rulers.

Faith is seen in almost every facet of the creation of America. Faith was one of the primary reasons for the beginning of this great nation. This was considered key to our success. At least in the eyes of our forefathers. Belief in Him who created and guides us was essential. In some states you couldnt run for office or even testify in court if you had no faith. Character is another component of our society's foundation. Our structure was set up based on the premise that being a nation of believers we would embody those principles that comes with our faith. Character in the sense of morality, giving, serving, faith, family and country. This character, that our forefathers and myself are speaking of, is what leads mean to fight in battle, to become legistlators or leaders of men. This character is filled with the resolve needed to perservere through tough times like war, dissention or corruption. Example is equally important. Our government as well as our citizens, being an example to one another and other countries. Being an example goes a long way, especially among countrymen. Men are used to be examples to other men who then pass that along. Or countries being an example to other countries. We build off one another. This principles are who America is. Or once was.

The role of the government, federal and state, and the citizenry is supported by these three core principles. In unison, we have a morally strong nation. This format is not antiquated. It comes with no time stamp. It's timeless. This format can be used today. It shoould be used today. We are our only limitation. Gain understanding of our government and its roles. Then gain an understand of your role. Build off that and we will build a better America!

Young America is our FUTURE!

Understand The Plan

The Romney plan is not complicated. It really is not. But many of us dont grasp how his plan brings about success. Well, Gov. Romney understands how the economy works. He understands how to run a successful business. He understands how to run a successful government. He does. He has taken chaos and made it profitable. So this is how Gov. Romney plans equal into success for the Ammerican economy.

There are 5 points to Gov. Romney's plan:

Energy Independence- America roughly consumes 22% of the world's oil. That is huge. Our daily consummption is 18 million barrels. That is number one in the world. The U.S. is the #3 producer of oil globally: 9.1 million barrels/day. We produce 48.6 of our consumption and import 51.4%. The U.S. has a deep supply of untapped-oil on our land. We have not been tapping those resources. Gov. Romney will open up more federal lands for drilling and allow more permits for drilling on private land. Oil is currently $100/barrel. If we import 9 million barrels a day, how much money would we save by tapping our own reserves? Not only does this save money, but it creates thousands, if not millions of more jobs. Gov. Romney also plans to increase investments into alternative energy. This will also decrease our consumption in oil.

Trade- America does trade with many countries, but there are more emerging economies that offer financial opportunity. Gov. Romney plans to help bridge the gaps betwwen the U.S. and those countries that are looking to import more American goods. This will increase manufacturing jobs and bring in more revenue. Tightening our trading guidelines is also essential. Countries like China are manipulating their currency. They continue to devalue their money which makes it more attractive(profitable) to do business with them over America and other countries. This leads to more offshoring, whcich has been taking millions of jobs worldwide. Gov. Romney will create a balanced and fair playing field for trade. This opens jobs and revenue.

Skill-Building- Equipping Americans with skills is very important. To compete globally our workers in every industry must have the neccessary skills. Not only that but they must be proficient in those skills. There is a global market that requires that those providing services are fast and efficient. Highly skilled workers are low in mubers in America. Gov. Romney wants to better our schools through hiring better teachers, making accessibility to college and vocational schools easier and enhancing and increasing the number of  training programs. The impact of this plan is huge and the results are innumerable.

Taxes and Gvt-  America doesnt have a revenue problem, it has a spending problem. Taking the wealth of the richest americans wont even pay off the interest. We have to cut down on the size of government and its spending. Gov. Romney plans to cut out departments that do the same job. Or spending that doesnt add up. Our budget is out of sync and to cut the deficit we must cut spending. Creating a simple tax code without loopholes and having an even 20% flat tax will offset any losses and add to paying down debt. The numbers add up because reducing the tax rate allows for more profit for business which creates more jobs through expansion. So in turn the revunes from taxes will increase.

Small Business-Gov. romney plans to champion small business through lowering the tax code first. Companies are sending out letters saying that if their taxes increase they will have to layoff workers. Business cant handle more taxes. Their is no profit and no jobs in nore taxes. A small buisness has to pay corporate tax, equipments tax, propert tax, taxes on insurance and several others. That gets expensive. Gov. Romney also plans to cut the small tape so new businesses can start. Sam Walton didnt start a super Walmart, he started a small grocery that expanded. Small business loans have dwindled. Gov. Romney's plan will put pressure on banks to increase lending. The results of Gov. Romney's small business plan will be more small business, more jobs and more profits.

Gov. Romney's plan has the ability to bring fast results and get Americans back to work and business to grow. These are 5 initiatives that are productive and outcome based. More jobs and more profit for American citizens, American businesses and the American government.

To support Gov. Romney's business leadership, here is a quote from President Clinton:

 "The man who has been governor and had a sterling business career crosses the qualification threshold."

Young America is our FUTURE!

Monday, October 15, 2012

Principle Over Perception

There is a misconception that there is only stark differences between the two major political parties. That is far from the truth. In this current election there is a great deal of difference. That is the truth. There have been many issues where the parties agree but disagree on the implementation. A lack of understanding of the principles of a party leads to many misconceptions.

Democrats and Republicans do have similarities just as they have differences. Depending on the economic climate or the social issues of the time is where they either clash or cooperate with one another. In 1962 President J.F.K. gave a speech in which he said that:

"The federal government's most useful role is not to rush into a program of excessive increases in public expenditures, but to expand the incentives and opportunities of private expenditures"

"When consumers purchase more goods, plants use more of their capacity, men are hired instead of laid off, investment increases, and profits are high. Corporate tax rates must also be cut to increase incentives and the availability of investment capital."

These are two excerpts from that speech. But the most powerful statement was:

Our true choice is not between tax reduction on the one hand and the avoidance of large federal deficits on the other. It is increasingly clear that no matter what party is in power, so long as our national security needs keep rising, an economy hampered by restrictive tax rates will never produce enough revenues to balance our budget, just as it will never produce enough jobs or enough profits. Surely the lesson of the last decade is that budget deficits are not caused by wild-eyed spenders, but by slow economic growth and periodic recessions, and any new recession would break all deficit records. In short, it is a paradoxical truth that tax rates are too high today and tax revenues are too low. And the soundest way to raise the revenues in the long run is to cut the rates now."

J.F.K. is well-respected by Democrats and Republicans alike. He was not playing to his party but to the people and their need for growth. Dont assume that everything falls along party lines and things have never been differtent. If you do your resarch you will see that Southern Democrats became Republicans after Abraham Lincoln became president. There is always a shift. Realize that the perception presented does not alays connect to the principles that either or any party truly embody.

Lower taxes spurs job growth. That is not a republican tag line. J.F.K. proved that, as well as other presidents and leaders. Take the time to become truly informed because perception can be truly misleading.

Young America is our FUTURE!

Wednesday, October 10, 2012

Those Who Shine In The Dark

Warren Buffet made a comment in 2009 when asked about his feelings on the recession. He said that this is the time where new ideas, new businesses sprout. If you look back into history after facing tough economic times, there have been a plethora of new products, new technology and new entrepreneurs. I would have to agree with Mr. Buffett. I also agree that these are tough times, no lie.; but it is also a time where those who are rising stars SHINE!

When adversity appears those who are leaders, lead. When opposition rears it head, those who have courage, persevere. When the common avenues of opportunity are closed, those who have ambition, pave new roads. There have been more times than not when someone who has an idea has had to plant, water and nurture that idea by himself without assistance. That has never made a true entrepreneur shrink from accomplishing his dreams. Why now!? Why are those who have dreams and ideas shrinking from the moment? Yea, things are tough. But all hard work produces a profit. It really does! Every great idea didn't reach success on its first try. Einstein. A.G. Bell. Thomas Edison. Da Vinci. These guys spent there life continuously  pursuing their goals. In this "I want it now" generation hard work and patience holds no value. But they are of the greatest worth.

Dont be discouraged because opportunity isn't finding you. To be honest, it never has. You create opportunity. Hard work has always been paramount to success. It is the most important piece. If everyday we place attention and put forth effort to that goal, which is backed by passion and ambition, at the end of the week or month or year how much could have been accomplished? I will never tell someone to stop dreaming. I only charge you to start living. Live that dream. But if it doesnt have a foundation of  hard work, patience and consistency, it will never reach the ground and take off.

Young America is our FUTURE!