Monday, October 22, 2012

Understand The Plan

The Romney plan is not complicated. It really is not. But many of us dont grasp how his plan brings about success. Well, Gov. Romney understands how the economy works. He understands how to run a successful business. He understands how to run a successful government. He does. He has taken chaos and made it profitable. So this is how Gov. Romney plans equal into success for the Ammerican economy.

There are 5 points to Gov. Romney's plan:

Energy Independence- America roughly consumes 22% of the world's oil. That is huge. Our daily consummption is 18 million barrels. That is number one in the world. The U.S. is the #3 producer of oil globally: 9.1 million barrels/day. We produce 48.6 of our consumption and import 51.4%. The U.S. has a deep supply of untapped-oil on our land. We have not been tapping those resources. Gov. Romney will open up more federal lands for drilling and allow more permits for drilling on private land. Oil is currently $100/barrel. If we import 9 million barrels a day, how much money would we save by tapping our own reserves? Not only does this save money, but it creates thousands, if not millions of more jobs. Gov. Romney also plans to increase investments into alternative energy. This will also decrease our consumption in oil.

Trade- America does trade with many countries, but there are more emerging economies that offer financial opportunity. Gov. Romney plans to help bridge the gaps betwwen the U.S. and those countries that are looking to import more American goods. This will increase manufacturing jobs and bring in more revenue. Tightening our trading guidelines is also essential. Countries like China are manipulating their currency. They continue to devalue their money which makes it more attractive(profitable) to do business with them over America and other countries. This leads to more offshoring, whcich has been taking millions of jobs worldwide. Gov. Romney will create a balanced and fair playing field for trade. This opens jobs and revenue.

Skill-Building- Equipping Americans with skills is very important. To compete globally our workers in every industry must have the neccessary skills. Not only that but they must be proficient in those skills. There is a global market that requires that those providing services are fast and efficient. Highly skilled workers are low in mubers in America. Gov. Romney wants to better our schools through hiring better teachers, making accessibility to college and vocational schools easier and enhancing and increasing the number of  training programs. The impact of this plan is huge and the results are innumerable.

Taxes and Gvt-  America doesnt have a revenue problem, it has a spending problem. Taking the wealth of the richest americans wont even pay off the interest. We have to cut down on the size of government and its spending. Gov. Romney plans to cut out departments that do the same job. Or spending that doesnt add up. Our budget is out of sync and to cut the deficit we must cut spending. Creating a simple tax code without loopholes and having an even 20% flat tax will offset any losses and add to paying down debt. The numbers add up because reducing the tax rate allows for more profit for business which creates more jobs through expansion. So in turn the revunes from taxes will increase.

Small Business-Gov. romney plans to champion small business through lowering the tax code first. Companies are sending out letters saying that if their taxes increase they will have to layoff workers. Business cant handle more taxes. Their is no profit and no jobs in nore taxes. A small buisness has to pay corporate tax, equipments tax, propert tax, taxes on insurance and several others. That gets expensive. Gov. Romney also plans to cut the small tape so new businesses can start. Sam Walton didnt start a super Walmart, he started a small grocery that expanded. Small business loans have dwindled. Gov. Romney's plan will put pressure on banks to increase lending. The results of Gov. Romney's small business plan will be more small business, more jobs and more profits.

Gov. Romney's plan has the ability to bring fast results and get Americans back to work and business to grow. These are 5 initiatives that are productive and outcome based. More jobs and more profit for American citizens, American businesses and the American government.

To support Gov. Romney's business leadership, here is a quote from President Clinton:

 "The man who has been governor and had a sterling business career crosses the qualification threshold."

Young America is our FUTURE!

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