Sunday, October 28, 2012

9 Days Left

There are only 9 days left until the election. Both campaigns are going full speed. There are a lot more ads and a lot more talk. We have had many campaigns of promises, especially in 2008. This election is about results. Its not about what you can promise the people. Its about showing Americans that you can get the job done. President Obama has had four years. If you believe in those 4 years that he provided the results you expected and that we have a better America, vote for him. If you feel that true leadership and a broader vision is needed for "big change" than Gov. Romney is that guy. He has showed his experience over a span of at least 2 decades. He shown that he can lead. He has lead companies to success. He has led the Olympics to success. He has lead the state of Massuchusetts to success. This is not a hope of leadership. Gov. Romney has been the leader America needs. When he decided to run for office he said that it was because America deserves better. America deserves the success that our country has been built on. Socrates said that a man should only become a public servant through compulsion. A compulsion that is derived from the fact that there is a need and he has been blessed with the talent and skills to satisfy that need. If that man were to decline the role of public servant than a lesser man would assume the position. So he should be compelled to lead. That is what Gov. Romney and Rep. Ryan are doing. Stepping up to a huge task. But they have the experience, vision and skills to succeed. America does have what it takes. We need someone to lead us back to that success that we know so well, but has been distant as of recent.

Young America is our FUTURE!

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