Sunday, October 7, 2012

Those Who Affect Change

"Religion and Politics are two things you don't discuss." This has been said many, many times over. In my opinion it is said by those who either want  to quiet your own independent thought or those who are afraid of having to defend what they say they believe. In either case this does not lead to change. This allows the status quo to continue. Really ask yourself what is more important than religion and politics? What has a greater affect on society and men than these two? Nothing!

Those who are to be the catalyst for change have to be of a nature to affect the core components of civilization. Two of these core components are religion and politics. Reaching back into history one would find that the whole of civilization was based on religion. The tenets of that society's faith dictated the environment in which they  lived. America was founded on faith in the true and living God. There are many countries in present-day that are solely based on faith. This is not new, it is very much an old way of living. Politics dictates what will be a part of that society, how those tenets will be implemented and by whom. So if the foundation of a country is faith-based and politics is how these tenets are used and by whom, what can trump those in importance or relevance? I have yet to find out.

Allowing independent thought to be silenced by a superficial statement is total nonsense. And anyone who is silenced by such foolishness should feel ashamed. Sad to say there is a great deal of  people who should be ashamed by giving power to a powerless statement. To think on these matters, study and research is of great importance. To share and discuss this knowledge and different view points with peers and elders is priceless. We are all affected by these two components daily. To receive guidance and share thoughts is the only way growth can occur which is paramount to true change.

Change starts as a thought, then through action it comes to fruition. We have to think on these matters of religion and politics and act upon them. There is not one way or one right way. But there is evil in inaction, because change cant occur if that is to be the case. Don't let others think for you. By avoiding what matters you silence yourself and are equally responsible for the misconceptions and ill-judgements that comes from such.

Young America is our FUTURE!

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