Friday, October 5, 2012

This Poll, That Poll

There will be approximately $2 Billion plus spent on the 2012 presidential campaign. WOW! Thats alot of money. The presidential election must be of some importance if that much money is being spent. That amount tells you there is alot of people with interest in which candidate obtains office. Why that is of interest to them could be for many different reasons; good and bad.

These interest groups who have invested a great deal of money, time and energy are looking to influence the election. Not just with their money, but with other resources also. One is polling. Polling has become extremely popular in the last 40 years. There is a poll for everything. These polls are suppose to take the tempature on a certain issue or event. This can be good and bad. The polls only account for a small group of people though. There is this thought that these polls are computed with information from millions of people who have taken some type of survey. That is not the case. Most polls consist of 300 to 3,000 people. America has a population of approx 315 million people. With 100 million being likely voters. So how can a poll of 300-3,000 really tell the position of the whole country. Whether it is how Americans feel about Pres. Obama's job initiatives or the public's feeling on Mitt Romney's tax returns. These polls can be a source of misinformation.

Most people like to be on the winning side of a race. That is just human nature. When you have a poll telling you that one candidate is leading the other candidate by several points, that influences a potential voter. Even though this survey has only been taken by a select few, millions of potential voters will be fed this misinformation and factor that in to their voting. This is another part of the media's mainpulation of the voting process. Voters are very impressionable, for many different reasons. Most voters are not truly informed on most issues, beyond ones particular to their interest. Their main source of information comes from media outlets. These media outlets provide biased information. Every piece of info released through the media has been molded to present a certain view. That view is used to manipulate your perception of a candidate, party or issue. This has been going around for ages. It has not just occurred for the 2012 presidential race.

Be mindful of what you read and hear. The one who is providing this information has an interest to protect and that interest is more important than objective reporting. There are many liberal and conservative outlets. These groups take a lot of polls and skew the facts in their favor. Dont be fooled by a small sample survey. There is too much at stake and those who control where the information is coming from want you to support their interest. They hold no care for the betterment of our country.

Young America is our FUTURE!

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