Tuesday, September 25, 2012

I choose him? ok. but why?

 Knowing why your favorite color is red isn't very important. Knowing why you chose a candidate for president is. Its mind blowing that people spend more time researching their next cell phone than researching a presidential candidate's record. If someone asked why did you buy the IPhone 5 over the Samsung Galaxy, i bet that person could break down the options and coverage plan to the exact point. But if asked the difference between Romney and Obama, that person would reply with one is for the poor and the other is for the rich. That would be all.

We as a country havent made knowledge of governmental performance a priority. We respond in unity in the more extreme cases but in general its not near the top. If you have no knowledge of their performance, how can you hold them accountable? We rely on the manipulated information being spoon fed through the media. This has to stop. We need to select leaders on every level in government. That cant happen if we don't get informed and allow our perspective to be SOLELY shaped by the media. There is a phrase, "If you dont want people to know something, put it in a book." Some laugh. Some don't. It's funnny and it sad. People dont like to read. They dont like to be informed about politics, which affects so many areas of your daily lives. You dont have to be a professor to check out your local, state or federal government websites and see what has been going on. Check out new bills. See who represents you. See how he/she has been representing you. These things are a large part of the voting process.

If you owned a business and you were looking to hire an employee, would you make them fill out an application. Do a credit report. Drug screen. These necessary pre-employment checks share the same concept. You need to check out the candidates. See who you are choosing to lead you. Just because you don't think about who your elected officials are and how they are affecting your life, that doesn't mean that they aren't there making decision for you, your family and those around you.

Young America is our FUTURE!

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