Monday, September 24, 2012

Why Would He, How Could He?

         Why would a man born in a poor and drug filled city believe in the same principles of a mega-millionaire businessman? How could a young black man believe that a wealthy white man wants the best for him? Who is this guy and is he insane? He must want to be white, because he couldn’t be a true brother and think and feel this way.

            I grew up without very much and around those who were in the same boat. We didn’t look down on ourselves because as kids we didn’t know what much better was unless seen on tv. We had a lot of fun because kids can turn anything into a toy or a good time. And that’s exactly what we did. Politics was never a discussion, but when I did overhear anything it was always, "Republicans don’t like black people or poor people." There was never a reason why they didn’t. They just didn’t. I didn’t have any doctors or lawyers living in my community. I had hard working folks, welfare recipients, drug addicts and drug pushers. It was common to hear, "I’m just trying to survive." Or "I’m just trying to feed my kids." This was common. Very common. I never knocked those people. I believed them. So I started to have the same perspective. They looked like me. They were in the same environment. And they were my example. 

My education allowed me to gain exposure. I was always in advanced courses since elementary; surrounded by 98% of white kids. It was different to say the least. All blacks at home. All whites in class. I had a chance to see first-hand that there is no difference in race; there is only a difference in each man's character. I started to see that people tell you what they want you to know, whether they are black or white. That had always made me search out answers instead of just swallowing the next man's opinion. As I got older and found out more about myself and our country I was excited, shocked, disappointed, angry and enamored all at different times over my life. The truth was being held at a distance and people in positions of influence only wanted me to know what they thought was the truth instead of what really was and is. All of them didn’t lie to me but they didn’t teach me to find truth. They taught me to accept theirs. I was never comfortable with that. So I would research everything. I would not be led by opinion. At least not anymore.

                I never wanted to know everything. I just wanted to be able to make sense of things. "Why don’t Republicans like black people?" This question plagued me. I always thought I would be a Democrat, especially because blacks in America are born democratic. Or so I thought. I looked at what Democrats were doing and saying, and then I looked at what Republicans were doing and saying. I didn’t find that one group had superior character or knowledge. I found that the two groups had different perspectives and those perspectives affected my country, my community, my family and myself in different ways. I can’t tell you I broke down both parties philosophies down to an exact point but I found a way to compare them. I learned that Democrats believed in the government giving more to people. Republicans wanted the government to give less and for people to create their own fortune. It’s more to it but this is the general idea. I compared it to my community and family. There was a great deal of people, my family included, receiving government funds and services. That was a Democrat idea. I ate off the government and so did my friends. Republicans didn’t want that. If I stopped there then I would be on the Democrat side of ideas. But I asked the question: Why don’t Republicans want me to have food stamps? Can’t afford it. Abuse of services. People on welfare don’t usually graduate to higher financial status in life and usually stay where their comfortable and the government enables that behavior. I could understand the Republicans point of view. It was more people trying to hold onto where they are than become better than what they were. I can’t speak for everyone but growing up I didn’t hear much about the way out, except sports. I heard of how to maintain. That was the perspective: To Maintain! Government services helped maintain. And who provided that? Democrats. So Democrats didn’t help them to be more, they helped them to maintain. Republicans felt that the ambition had to be internal and manifest through hard work for someone to be better, not to just maintain. So I asked myself what is the role of government? To give? To create? To facilitate? According to Democrats it’s to give and create. According to Republicans it’s to facilitate. Which is better for the poor man? Depends on the poor man; does he want wealth, middle-class life or to just maintain where he is at.  

                Those are crucial questions for everyone: What do you want? How can you get it? And who can help you get it?

                Democrats will tell you that fairness is everyone having a house, college degree and full healthcare. Republicans tell you that the opportunity to have those things is fairness; but actually having those things is determined by a man's character, perspective, hard work and circumstances.

                To ask for a shot at a starting position on the field is fair. To be guaranteed a starting position is an entitlement. Everyone deserves a chance. Everyone doesn’t possess the talent to start. But there is a role for everyone on the field. It may not be the one you dreamed about but the road of life is paved with hard work. Dreaming may give you a direction, but it’s just not enough on its own.

Young America is our FUTURE!

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