Friday, September 28, 2012

Presidential Character

There is an unspoken rule among voters about presidential character. A citizen has his own perspective of how a leader should be. His appearance, speech and mannerisms. His background and family. These things and more are all taken into account. Does is really matter? If so, how much and to whom?
 There is always someone on the payroll that observes and evaluates a presidential candidate's character, appearance, interaction and response. There is not a larger stage where these things have a bigger impact. If there is one tiny mishap the media is all over it and now the whole world knows. People who view the mishap from a media clip get a manipulated view of what happened. They then have a different perspective of that candidate. Not because the mishap couldn't have happened to them but that the mishap isn't suppose to happen to those running for office. Their not suppose to be human, at least not in that category. We all want someone we can relate to, but at the same time we want someone who is beyond the common mold. The emphasis placed on these types of things have become absurd.

Who sets the standard? Is it former presidents, the media or voters? I believe it is all of them. But each has a growing impact on the other. We take from former presidents examples of great character. The media creates a profile through repetitive broadcasting that shape the minds of voters. Voters take bits and pieces of information and relate that candidate to themselves and then forms some type of opinion. In this election class warfare has been the main topic. The character of the two have been displayed as polar opposites. Whether this is true or not is for the voters to decide. But as we all know voters are very impressionable. That's why all of those negative ads are published; to manipulate voters. Their truth is what they want you to know. Not only that, they want you to vote based on their perspective.

Information is the most important commodity on the planet. But if one cannot tell truth from lies than their lost. Every time someone tries to sell you something you have to decide whether its real or fake. Whether it benefits you or not. The same is true in this presidential election. You are being sold a leader. The character of these two men is very important, but how do you know what their true character is? Will you ever know? Probably not. I charge you to be prudent in your judgement of these men. Of what you see and hear. Don't let the manipulated view delivered by the media and negative attack ads be the reason you vote for either man.

Young America is our FUTURE!

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