Thursday, September 27, 2012

What Matters To You

 Have you ever considered what matters to you? I mean really! Have you ever thought about what is important to you and why these things are priorities? Connect that with who holds the power to make those things happen. First and foremost, God is almighty and all powerful. But He does place men in certain positions of influence and power. How do these men affect your environment and priorities?

What does matter? That is a big question. There are many things to consider. A way to evaluate these priorities is to take a look at your life and see what you place value on. Faith? Family? Friends? Money? Work? A certain lifestyle? These would be primary priorities. Secondary priorities would be: Hobbies, Activities, and Vices. These are a few of many. The reason to observe these priorities is because humans have a common genetic impulse to protect what they have. Whether it's faith ,family, money or life. A lot of people would go above and beyond to hold on to those things.

Those who are in positions to affect those priorities either become your friends or your enemies. Whether literally or metaphorically. As a child you wanted acceptance among your peers and those who made that an obstacle were your enemies; those that helped to achieve that goal were your friends. That is how basic it was and still is. Apply that same principle to politicians and constituents. Those elected officials who want to change the standard that you have set for yourself and your family are your enemies; those who want to protect that standard are your friends. It's just that basic. But consider this:

There are approximately 315 million people in the United States.

By race: 71.% White; 13% Black; 16% Hispanic; 6% Asian.

By Age: 0-9 13%; 10-34 34%; 35-64 40%; 65&up 13%

There are many ways to breakdown the numbers. They will all show that we, as a nation, are very diverse. There cannot be a solo vision when selecting a leader of everyone, not just for yourself. Every individual needs to ask themselves: What does that country look like that promotes true opportunity, where a man can create, invest or accompany a dream to reality? Where one can practice their faith safely under the Bill of Rights. Where families build on each others work generation after generation or break off and make their own tradition. Where education is a top priority, not only in speech but in results. What does that country look like and what can I do to help build that country? Most importantly, you can be the change you want to see. Secondly, be wise in the selection of who you select as the rule makers.

It has been said by many people, many times over, that "All politicians are liars." I disagree. But if that were true, you have an opportunity to fire or re-elect every term. Its three forms of action: You voted for the lying politician. You voted against the lying politician. Or you didn't vote, which is even worse. You silenced your voice and your influence.  If they are liars you have proof of their record in government and you don't have to decide on words alone. If we fired the non-performers, politicians wouldn't have life long careers as legislators. Because those who didn't produce never returned to office. Yes, you need to think of how you can affect change as an individual. You also have to think of how as a uniformed body, we can affect change.

Young America is our FUTURE!

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