Wednesday, September 26, 2012

You're More Than You Think You Are

One of the biggest realizations of the 2008 Presidential election was that the Youth vote makes a difference. Wow! What a difference it made. 23 million Youth(18-29) voters actually voted. That was record setting.They were inspired by then-Senator Barack Obama. There wasn't a divide in who they voted for. It was overwhelmingly Democrat. No surprise. That's who catered to their emotions and perspective at that time.
How many of the 16.5 million Democrat Youth voters really knew how much they would impact and why they chose blue? Knowing why you choose is most important. Knowing the impact is essential also. Regardless of knowing their affect these Youth voters made history in more than one way. Just think of how a well informed, organized Youth block could impact local, state and federal elections. This is how the senior bloc, middle class bloc, or union bloc affect change. Organization and information. This is what the Youth bloc lacks. It has grown and gotten better, but lacks continuity. Something to look at would be the Senior impact on elections. They are a consistent bloc of voters. There are 39 million seniors eligible to vote. There are 46 million Young Americans eligible to vote. So why aren't we big players at the power table? We have the human capital. Young Americans makeup 24% of eligible voters. So why aren't we a main topic on the political agenda? We are not using our resources properly. We have great might, but very little initiative. We have the motivation. Its called OUR FUTURE! OUR CHILDREN'S FUTURE!
Get informed. Choose leaders with your vote. Hold them accountable. Take responsibility in your future.

Young America is our FUTURE!

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